DOS Gaming Marathon

Hidden far away in the great unknown realm that is my MacBook Pro’s hard drive, I came across a very large image titled “List of Worthwhile DOS Games” that I found. I copied it to my HD and meant to skim it later that day, but for whatever reason, I didn’t. Flash forward over a […]

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On Morrowind

I was going to post about how I’ve been playing Assassin’s Creed lately, but this is an Elder Scrolls blog, and what have I posted about the Elder Scrolls? Wait, you guessed “Nothing”? You’re correct, but this isn’t a game show, so there’s no prize. I just want to discuss a game that I’ve had […]

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Quit Wasting Characters

The Elder Scrolls series is one that has produced quite a cast of characters over the years. Consider Arena, which I’m going to guess had more NPCs then all the other games (excluding Daggerfall) combined. Daggerfall had even more. Now look at Battlespire, which was the first game in the series that was more pre-defined […]

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Skyrim’s Lost Potential

We expect a movie critic to actually have seen a film’s ending before giving a rating. Food critics who eat only part of their steak and skip the side dish altogether won’t really know enough to give a review on their meal. Likewise, a major video game in modern times like The Elder Scrolls V: […]

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