Finding a Level

Leveling in TESV: Skyrim is something that’s received a fair amount of attention in the gaming press. What’s the big deal? The problem of how a game’s challenge should be adjusted as the player gets more powerful is much trickier than you might think. The problem is that you need to give the player a […]

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Careful what you wish for!

While watching Todd Howard repeat himself for the 50th time to a games journalist (must be the worst type of journalists, right after sports journalists), feeling incredibly bored by the hype of Skyrim, something occurred to me. A game like Oblivion succeeded in one area you simply cannot predict or test, regardless of how many […]

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On Skyrim V: Stronger Together

One of the features of The Elder Scrolls from Daggerfall onwards has been Factions; organisations that you can (often) join, each with an associated set of quests, and a hierarchy of ranks through which you can progress. Fighters, Mages and Thieves all have guilds; Daggerfall and Oblivion allowed you to join the shadowy Dark Brotherhood […]

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Soule Music

It’s an oft-overlooked aspect of The Elder Scrolls, but the music in the games is incredibly important. The latest update to has allowed us all to look back to the dark days when, to be frank, music wasn’t an important part of gameplay. Take a look at the Battlespire Intro. My Battlespire manual credits […]

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On Skyrim and UESP

Obviously, my first thought when TESV: Skyrim was announced was about how much I’m going to enjoy playing it, but as more and more articles appear, we’re beginning to get an idea of what we can expect and how it’s going to affect UESP. One of my own first reactions was annoyance at hearing Mysticism […]

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