Revision History: Breaks

Yep, I’m still alive. I’ve been checking in occasionally, but the real world, ESO, and now Fallout 4 have been eating up my time. The Loremaster’s Archive took a break, which was a dark day for lore nerds everywhere. AKB had the foresight and basic decency to announce it when he went on sabbatical (hopefully […]

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Alarra’s BE3 Impressions

Like Damon, I spent the evening watching the Bethesda E3 Showcase and taking notes.  So here’s a rundown of what they went through, and my impressions of them.  I haven’t played anything but Elder Scrolls yet of all they revealed tonight (I plan to someday… too much ES to get through first!), so my heaviest […]

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Damon’s #BE3 Impressions!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I’ve taken meticulous-ish notes  notes on the BE3 stream, and I’m SUPER psyched about the new titles being released soon! Except for one of them, but I’ll get to that soon. Also, I discarded the meticulous notes, because writing notes and making detailed posts isn’t how I roll. That’s boring! This is […]

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