ESO: How many items are there?

I’ve been lurking in the depths of ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) mining item data this week and have been trying to find just how many different items the game has. The quick answer is simply: “a lot”! Without getting too technical, an item link in ESO has the format: |H0:item:ID:SUBTYPE:LEVEL:ENCHANTID:ENCHANTSUBTYPE:ENCHANTLEVEL:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:STYLE:CRAFTED:BOUND:CHARGES:POTIONEFFECT|hNAME|h  We don’t need to include […]

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YouTube Gamers

I am back with a random blog post that I have created, because… Well, I was bored and this seemed like an interesting opinion article to write, based on my own experiences in the world of YouTube Let’s Plays, both as a spectator and former content creator (who might return to the game sometime). If […]

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PAXPrime! Seattle 2014

Hey everybody! Jeancey here! I spent the holiday weekend doing something I’m sure most of you would enjoy, attending a gaming convention, the Penny Arcade Expo! For those of you who don’t know, the Penny Arcade Expo, usually abbreviated as PAX, is a yearly gaming convention which started in Seattle. There are other PAX events […]

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News Roundup

The new dye system seems to be receiving a generally positive reception from fans. Some payment complications have arisen for ESO subscribers which may force some to remain offline for a short time. ZeniMax is working to address the issue and has issued assurances that all affected players will get their full 30 days’ worth […]

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