Interviews with Emperors

Zenimax Online has a series of interviews planned with those who have claimed the Ruby Throne. The first was released a few days ago, but if you haven’t seen it yet, check out the interview with Emperor Morkulth, Savior of Heaven, Inspiration of Faith and Safeguard of Justice, Blessed Be His Holy Name, etc., etc.

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ESO Reviews in Progress

I generally ignore game reviews, but now that people with no financial incentive to mislead others have had a substantial amount of time to play Elder Scrolls Online, reviews which are at least theoretically unbiased are starting to come out. Judging from what I’ve seen, the general opinion can be summarized as “an inferior, money-sucking, […]

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On Our Lore Standards

The UESP’s lore section is always a work in progress, and we encourage people to contribute to it. News flash: Perfection Isn’t Required! Add as you see fit! We’re here to help you add reliable and verifiable info, not hinder you. Anyway, the following are my thoughts on what we’re trying to do with the […]

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Money in ESO

One of the greatest aspects of ESO in comparison to other MMOs, for me, is the economy. It reminds me of old school World of Warcraft, in that having and getting gold is a big deal. For the average player in ESO, getting a Motif book is important for two reasons: One, they are rare […]

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ESO: The Good and the Bad

Hey there! I’m Vely, new to the blog. First post here. Anyway, the past number of posts have been rather negative, criticizing The Elder Scrolls as a whole and especially Elder Scrolls Online. While ESO certainly has its issues–bugs, perhaps, being some of the least among them–it’s also an Elder Scrolls game and doubtless to […]

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Peter Hines on the ESO Subscription

Bethesda’s Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations, Peter Hines, made some comments earlier regarding Elder Scrolls Online, which, if you’re looking to buy, will cost you roughly $55-$145 USD depending on where and what edition you purchase. See here. I thought some comments related to the monthly $15 subscription fee required to keep playing […]

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